A new release of GPI-2 is available for download (v1.4.0).
This release includes:
- SLURM support
- Auto-tools based build system
- Clean-up of GPU support
- Implement gaspi_read_notify, gaspi_read_list_notify
- Support for connect-ib (atomics) with Infiniband extensions
- GASPI spec compliance
- queue_depth -> queue_size_max
- add gaspi_passive_transfer_size_min
- gaspi_segment_create more spec-compliant: establish communication infrastructure (STATIC)
- Remove restricition of 255 elements for gaspi_allreduce operations
- Statistics for segment related functions
- configurability (gaspi_config_t):
- elems in allreduce
- device options:
- tcp: port
- ib: device, mtu, port check
- sn persistent
- sn timeout
- Add further tests, remove some redundant ones
- Fix maximum transfer size issues
- Fix issues on large-scale
- Fix timeout on topology broadcast
- SN: exponential backoff delay
- SN: simplify events handling
- SN: use an allgather for collective operations (e.g. gaspi_segment_create)
- TCP shutdown and clean-up
- Memory and resources leaks
- Other small fixes
- Several refactorings for less duplication and better readability.
Happy GPI-2 hacking!
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